Sunday, January 31, 2010

Camera Shopping? Compare the Features

Coke vs Pepsi
Ford vs Chevy
Nikon vs Canon
What is your preference? I have no advice for comparing soft drinks or cars but when itcomes to cameras I can help.
There is now a website that is set up to pit one camera against another
and provide a detailed report with one camera declared THE WINNER! A few years ago,
a person shopping for a camera would usually walk into a camera shop and tell a clerk youwant to see some cameras. Or another alternate was to flip through magazines and booksreading reviews and descriptions of various camera models. Now you can save the tripto the camera store, bookstore or library.

I spent some time on the site entering models and noting the results which are broken down to important differences and important similarities. The winner and loser also have the pros and cons of the camera listed. I think that is good because perhaps you really need a feature
such as built-in flash or very rapid continuous shooting and the snapsort team has chosen a camera as a winner but the loser camera has a unique feature you need. Then you can make your own conclusion. Another nice feature of this website is the Popular Comparisons section below each camera which helps you see other cameras which are similar to the cameras in your search.

So with this information a person in the market for a new camera can spend a bit of time at this very useful website and learn plenty about all sorts of cameras before making a big
decision about a camera purchase. By the way, I prefer Pepsi and Chevy.

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